Peer Review is the practice monitoring program established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants to ensure that firms provide high quality auditing, accounting and attestation services to their clients.  All CPA firms in the United State undergo a peer review every three years.  In July of 1990, Cypher & Cypher completed its first peer review – two years ahead of the timetable set forth by the profession. The firm received a “Pass” rating. This opinion serves as recognition that the firm has achieved a level of quality of control that reflects the highest standards within the profession.

Our commitment to quality continues – every three years since our first Peer Review, we have achieved a “Pass” rating on our quality control system.

The twenty-five-person Pennsylvania Peer Review committee is responsible for administering and enforcing quality control standards in the states of Pennsylvania and Delaware and the U.S. Territory of the Virgin Islands. Steve Cypher was a member of this committee for ten years.

Here is a link to our latest Cypher & Cypher Peer Review Report .